Trying to figure out how to divide your finances can feel like you’re running round in circles. Even if you are committed to an equitable division, what you don’t know might make what you’re proposing look grossly unfair.
If you haven’t done this before, there are things you can’t be expected to know. Did you know:
- most mortgage lenders won’t refinance a mortgage while a divorce is pending?
- most mortgage lenders want six months of spousal support before considering it as income
- you need a QDRO to divide a 401(k) but not an IRA?
- keeping joint debts like a car loan, after a divorce is risky?
As a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst®, I can help you with the financial side of your divorce. In that capacity, I can work either for you or for both you and your STBX as a third-party neutral.
When I’m hired as a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® my work is focused on the finances. My clients are typically working with a mediator or an attorney and are looking for financial support on a specific task or a range of issues. Some of the tasks I work with my private clients on include:
- Compilation of financial statements needed for the legal process
- Evaluating the options for the marital home
- Creating a settlement proposal
- Comparisons of ‘what-if’ scenarios
- Quantifying the buyout of spousal support
- Post-divorce budget
- Post-divorce comparative net worth projections
If this sounds like something you’re interested in then I’m happy to have a free 30-minute conversation so we can discuss your situation and determine the scope of my work. Investing in this is about making a commitment to your future.